Tuesday 21 March 2017

[22/3] Science Topical Review

Science Topical Review
  • We have finished going through the Topical Review.
  • A copy of the answer key has been printed for you.
  • Get Parent's Signature on the Cover page.
  • Bring back the paper tomorrow to be filed into Science File.

Sunday 19 March 2017

[20/3] Science Journal Homework

We have started the topic on Magnets today.
We also carried out hands-on activity to explore different types of magnets.

Write down in your Science Journal, 5 key learning points about Magnets from Today’s Lesson.
  • What are some properties of magnets you have learnt today?
  • How do magnets interact with different magnets?
  • How do the buzzing magnets demonstrated by Mrs Tan work?
  • Are there any Questions you may have about Today’s Lesson on Magnets?

Wednesday 8 March 2017

[9/3] Science March Holiday Homework + Some Important Matters

Science Holiday Homework & Other Matters
  • Read at least one Science Book on Magnets from NLB and record what you've learnt in your Science Journal.
  • Science File has been returned for Revision during the March Holidays. 
  • Get Parent's Signature on the Content Page.
  • Note that Science Topical Review will only be returned to you in Term 2 Week 1. 
  • Bring back Science File when you come back in Term 2.
Science Extensive Reading Programme
  • An email will be sent to all parents on the launch of the Science Extensive Reading Programme.
  • Do use this March Holidays to borrow books on Interactions (Magnets) as we will be starting on this topic in Term 2.
  • Make notes on New Information (What you've learnt) in your Science Journal after reading the Science Books.
  • Record the list of Science Books you have read in the "Science Book Reading Log" Worksheet given to you.
  • I will collect the Reading Log in End April, after completing the topic on Magnets.

Please see the following link to understand more about the Science Extensive Reading Programme:

To facilitate parents to be able to find relevant Science books which are related to the Science themes and topics, we have printed and distributed to the pupils the following:

(1) Primary 4 themes and topics for Science extensive reading 2017 

In case it has been misplaced, I have included the link for a printable list for your reference, so that you bring this list along when you go to branches of the National Library to borrow books for your child / ward:

Examples of Science books that you can borrow from the branches of the National Library for your child / ward to read are listed in the following link:

(2) Science Book Reading Log (To record the list of Science books read):

Sunday 5 March 2017

[6/3] Reminders on Science File

This is a reminder to bring back the following items:
  • Science Yellow File (Ensure that Body System Topical Worksheet & Plant System Mindmap has been filed in)
  • System Workbook (With all corrections done)
This Wednesday's Lesson
  • Presentation of Plant System Models
  • Going through answers to your Topical Review

Thursday 2 March 2017

[3/3] Science WB & Topical WS Returned Today

System Workbook
  • I've returned the workbook today for revision.
  • Complete any outstanding corrections in the workbook (I've folded the pages)
  • Bring back the workbook on Monday.
[To File] Body System Topical Worksheet (1)
  • I've returned this today.
  • File this into Science File under the Divider - Topical Worksheet
  • Bring back Science File on Monday. 
  • I'll return the Science File next Thursday after filing in the Topical Test.