Thursday 27 April 2017

[28/4] Science Practice Paper 1

Answer Key to Science Practice Paper 1
  • Ans key has been given out to all pupils today.
  • Mark Booklet A MCQ on your own.
  • We have gone through some questions from Booklet B yesterday.  You can use the answer key to check your answers to the rest of the questions.
  • Should you have any questions concerning your own answers, you may see me during recess on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Finally, All the best for your Science Paper on Thurs!

Image result for all the best for your exams

Wednesday 26 April 2017

[27/4] Science Revision Matters

The following worksheet has been returned today for Filing:
  • Process Skill WS on Fair Test
  • Workout Book Chapter 2: Making Magnets
  • Topical Worksheet 2: Making Magnets
Answer key to Practice Paper 1 will be given to you tomorrow.

Sunday 23 April 2017

[24/4] Science Homework

Complete the following by Wednesday. 
  • Practice Paper 1 - All 28 MCQs
  • Process Skill Worksheet on Fair Test

Thursday 20 April 2017

[21/4] Science File Returned for Revision

Sceince File Returned for Revision

  • We have filed 2 items today. 
  • The rest of the items will be returned once we completed them next week.
  • Get Parents' Signature at the bottom of the Content Page for Term 2.

Wednesday 19 April 2017

Tuesday 11 April 2017

[12/4] Homework - Science Journal

Complete the 2 Tasks below in your Science Journal

1) Word Splash on Properties of Magnets
We have done a word splash on properties of magnets.
  • Continue to add on as many words related to properties of magnet. You can have about 20-40 words.
  • Make 10 -15 Sentences by linking two or more words to form a sentence related to the concept of magnet. 
  • Highlight the words taken from the word splash.
  • This is due next Monday, 17 Apr.

2) Toying with Magnets
Your Task: Design a Simple Toy using Magnets
  • You have learnt about the properties of magnets & how you can make magnets
  • Design a Simple Toy using Magnets and Recycled Materials.
  • Draw a diagram of your Simple Toy in your Science Journal. 
  • Remember to label the parts, indicating where magnets were used and where different recycled materials were used.
  • You may start making the Simple Toy over the Good Friday Long Weekend. 
  • Dateline for showcasing your Simple Toy: Week 8 - 8 May (Monday) after your SA1 exam.

Sunday 9 April 2017

[10/4] Science Homework

Science Workout Book 
Interaction Chapter 1 - Magnet & their characteristics
Do pg 81-88