Sunday 26 February 2017

[27/2] Sceicne Revision Homework: Create a Mindmap on Human Body System

Your Task Today

Complete the Mindmap on Human Body System on the A3 Paper provided.
This is due next Monday, 6 March.
Your Mindmap should include the following:
  • The 5 Body System - Digestive, Circulatory, Respiratory, Muscular & Skeletal.
  • The parts of each Body System.
  • The function of the parts in the Digestive System.
Remember the following to get started:
  • Use thicker branch that progresses to thinner branch. 
  • Write all words in capital letters.
  • Use a variety of colours.
  • Use drawings when necessary to illustrate the meaning of the words. 
  • Use 1 word or a short phrase. Avoid a sentence or paragraph.
Recap on basic rules of mind mapping.
Here's a quick summary.

Here's an example of a Mindmap on Plants Diversity.

Some Good Mindmaps on Plant System

Tuesday 21 February 2017

[22/2] Science Homework & Some Important Matters

Science Workbook
  • Complete any outstanding corrections.
  • Do pg 16-17 & pg 27-31
Science Topical Review
  • A note has been given out to pupils to staple in their handbook. 
  • The Topical Review will be in Week 10, Monday, 6 March.
  • Topics covered: Plant and Body System

Science File
  • Science File has been returned for revision today.
  • I'll return the Topical Worksheet (Body System) next Monday after going through the corrections.
  • Keep the file at home. I inform the pupils when to bring back again.
  • The following highlighted items were filed into the Science File today.
(A)       Topical Worksheets
Plant System WS 1
Human Body System WS 1 (to be returned next Monday)

(B)         Workout Book
Your Amazing Body as a system- Chapter 1
Plants and their parts-Chapter 2

(D)         Others
Plant System Mind Map
Human Body System Mind Map (To be given next Monday as homework)

Tuesday 14 February 2017

[15/2] Science Book Reading Log & Today's Homework

Science Extensive Reading Programme
  • consolidated list of call numbers at NLB Branch Libraries has been given to you today.
  • These are books related to Primary 4 Science Themes and Topics.
  • Show this to your parents and get parent's signature.
  • Bring this list to NLB to borrow Science Book each term based on the topics that we are covering in class.
  • Make notes on New Information (What you've learnt) in your Science Journal after reading the Science Books.
  • Record the list of Science Books you have read in the "Science Book Reading Log" Worksheet given to you today.
  • For a start, the first book you record should be the Human Body System Science Book that you have borrowed from the library 2 weeks ago.

Today's Homework
  • Complete Science Topical Worksheet - Human Body System
  • This is due on Monday, 20 Feb.

Sunday 12 February 2017

[13/2] Science Workout Book Homework

Complete Chapter 1 - Your amazing body as a system

  • pg 63-71
  • This is due Wednesday, 15 Feb

Friday 10 February 2017

Well done Girls for making your Plant Models

Observe the uniqueness of each plant models.
Observe how the roots, stem and leaves are made differently in each model.

Tuesday 7 February 2017

[8/2] Science McOnline Assignment

McOnline Science Lesson Package

  • Login to McOnline
  • Go to New Assignment
  • Complete the Lesson Package "P4 (T1W6) Science Supplementary"
Science Journal
  • Try eating 2 different food. (e.g. potato, banana, apple)
  • Record your observation of the food BEFORE & AFTER Chewing for 1 minute.
  • You may include drawings in your Science Journal to illustrate how the food looks like.
  • This is due next Monday, 13 Feb.

Sunday 5 February 2017

[6/1] Science Workbook Homework

Science Workbook
  • Complete pg 2-6.
  • This is due on Wednesday, 8 Feb.
  • Use the Science story book that you've borrowed from the library to do pg 2-3. 
Things to bring on Wednesday
  • Markers
  • Colouring pens
We will be doing a group work on the digestive system on a big majong paper.