Tuesday 14 February 2017

[15/2] Science Book Reading Log & Today's Homework

Science Extensive Reading Programme
  • consolidated list of call numbers at NLB Branch Libraries has been given to you today.
  • These are books related to Primary 4 Science Themes and Topics.
  • Show this to your parents and get parent's signature.
  • Bring this list to NLB to borrow Science Book each term based on the topics that we are covering in class.
  • Make notes on New Information (What you've learnt) in your Science Journal after reading the Science Books.
  • Record the list of Science Books you have read in the "Science Book Reading Log" Worksheet given to you today.
  • For a start, the first book you record should be the Human Body System Science Book that you have borrowed from the library 2 weeks ago.

Today's Homework
  • Complete Science Topical Worksheet - Human Body System
  • This is due on Monday, 20 Feb.

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