Saturday 2 September 2017

[30/8] September Holiday Homework

Science Additional Worksheet on Heat & Temperature
Complete all questions.
Hand in on Monday, 11 Sept, when Term 4 starts.

Tuesday 15 August 2017

[16/8] Science E-learning Assignment

Science E-learning Assignment (Light & Shadow)

  • Complete watching the videos.
  • Complete the lessons.
  • Deadline: 20 Aug (Sunday)

Thursday 20 July 2017

[19/7] Science Topical Worksheet 2 & Topical Review

Topical Worksheet 2
  • Complete the worksheet and hand in on Monday.
Science Unit Review (Week 8 16 Aug, Wednesday)
Structure of the Paper:
  • 12 MCQs
  • 6 Open-ended
  • Total: 40marks
Topics covered:
  • Body Systems (Term 1)
  • Plant System (Term 1)
  • Heat & Temperature (Term 3)
  • Diversity & Materials (P3)
  • Matter (P3)

Thursday 6 July 2017

Wednesday 28 June 2017

[28/6] Your Task in Science Journal: Heat Travels Challenge

 The following question was posted after our experiment on Heat Flow.

Question: Draw arrows in the diagram below to show how heat travels.

4 groups volunteered to give it a try. These are their group ideas on how heat travels in the diagram.

Your Homework: Study all 4 diagrams and make notes in your Science Journal to comment on whether the arrows drawn are correct and why they are drawn in this manner. 

 Group A's Diagram                                   Group B's Diagram

  Group C's Diagram                                   Group D's Diagram

Thursday 25 May 2017

[26/5] June Holiday Homework

Science Practice Paper 2 - Booklet A
Complete all MCQ questions
Hand in Term 3 Week 1

Thursday 27 April 2017

[28/4] Science Practice Paper 1

Answer Key to Science Practice Paper 1
  • Ans key has been given out to all pupils today.
  • Mark Booklet A MCQ on your own.
  • We have gone through some questions from Booklet B yesterday.  You can use the answer key to check your answers to the rest of the questions.
  • Should you have any questions concerning your own answers, you may see me during recess on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Finally, All the best for your Science Paper on Thurs!

Image result for all the best for your exams

Wednesday 26 April 2017

[27/4] Science Revision Matters

The following worksheet has been returned today for Filing:
  • Process Skill WS on Fair Test
  • Workout Book Chapter 2: Making Magnets
  • Topical Worksheet 2: Making Magnets
Answer key to Practice Paper 1 will be given to you tomorrow.

Sunday 23 April 2017

[24/4] Science Homework

Complete the following by Wednesday. 
  • Practice Paper 1 - All 28 MCQs
  • Process Skill Worksheet on Fair Test

Thursday 20 April 2017

[21/4] Science File Returned for Revision

Sceince File Returned for Revision

  • We have filed 2 items today. 
  • The rest of the items will be returned once we completed them next week.
  • Get Parents' Signature at the bottom of the Content Page for Term 2.

Wednesday 19 April 2017

Tuesday 11 April 2017

[12/4] Homework - Science Journal

Complete the 2 Tasks below in your Science Journal

1) Word Splash on Properties of Magnets
We have done a word splash on properties of magnets.
  • Continue to add on as many words related to properties of magnet. You can have about 20-40 words.
  • Make 10 -15 Sentences by linking two or more words to form a sentence related to the concept of magnet. 
  • Highlight the words taken from the word splash.
  • This is due next Monday, 17 Apr.

2) Toying with Magnets
Your Task: Design a Simple Toy using Magnets
  • You have learnt about the properties of magnets & how you can make magnets
  • Design a Simple Toy using Magnets and Recycled Materials.
  • Draw a diagram of your Simple Toy in your Science Journal. 
  • Remember to label the parts, indicating where magnets were used and where different recycled materials were used.
  • You may start making the Simple Toy over the Good Friday Long Weekend. 
  • Dateline for showcasing your Simple Toy: Week 8 - 8 May (Monday) after your SA1 exam.

Sunday 9 April 2017

[10/4] Science Homework

Science Workout Book 
Interaction Chapter 1 - Magnet & their characteristics
Do pg 81-88

Tuesday 21 March 2017

[22/3] Science Topical Review

Science Topical Review
  • We have finished going through the Topical Review.
  • A copy of the answer key has been printed for you.
  • Get Parent's Signature on the Cover page.
  • Bring back the paper tomorrow to be filed into Science File.

Sunday 19 March 2017

[20/3] Science Journal Homework

We have started the topic on Magnets today.
We also carried out hands-on activity to explore different types of magnets.

Write down in your Science Journal, 5 key learning points about Magnets from Today’s Lesson.
  • What are some properties of magnets you have learnt today?
  • How do magnets interact with different magnets?
  • How do the buzzing magnets demonstrated by Mrs Tan work?
  • Are there any Questions you may have about Today’s Lesson on Magnets?

Wednesday 8 March 2017

[9/3] Science March Holiday Homework + Some Important Matters

Science Holiday Homework & Other Matters
  • Read at least one Science Book on Magnets from NLB and record what you've learnt in your Science Journal.
  • Science File has been returned for Revision during the March Holidays. 
  • Get Parent's Signature on the Content Page.
  • Note that Science Topical Review will only be returned to you in Term 2 Week 1. 
  • Bring back Science File when you come back in Term 2.
Science Extensive Reading Programme
  • An email will be sent to all parents on the launch of the Science Extensive Reading Programme.
  • Do use this March Holidays to borrow books on Interactions (Magnets) as we will be starting on this topic in Term 2.
  • Make notes on New Information (What you've learnt) in your Science Journal after reading the Science Books.
  • Record the list of Science Books you have read in the "Science Book Reading Log" Worksheet given to you.
  • I will collect the Reading Log in End April, after completing the topic on Magnets.

Please see the following link to understand more about the Science Extensive Reading Programme:

To facilitate parents to be able to find relevant Science books which are related to the Science themes and topics, we have printed and distributed to the pupils the following:

(1) Primary 4 themes and topics for Science extensive reading 2017 

In case it has been misplaced, I have included the link for a printable list for your reference, so that you bring this list along when you go to branches of the National Library to borrow books for your child / ward:

Examples of Science books that you can borrow from the branches of the National Library for your child / ward to read are listed in the following link:

(2) Science Book Reading Log (To record the list of Science books read):

Sunday 5 March 2017

[6/3] Reminders on Science File

This is a reminder to bring back the following items:
  • Science Yellow File (Ensure that Body System Topical Worksheet & Plant System Mindmap has been filed in)
  • System Workbook (With all corrections done)
This Wednesday's Lesson
  • Presentation of Plant System Models
  • Going through answers to your Topical Review

Thursday 2 March 2017

[3/3] Science WB & Topical WS Returned Today

System Workbook
  • I've returned the workbook today for revision.
  • Complete any outstanding corrections in the workbook (I've folded the pages)
  • Bring back the workbook on Monday.
[To File] Body System Topical Worksheet (1)
  • I've returned this today.
  • File this into Science File under the Divider - Topical Worksheet
  • Bring back Science File on Monday. 
  • I'll return the Science File next Thursday after filing in the Topical Test.

Sunday 26 February 2017

[27/2] Sceicne Revision Homework: Create a Mindmap on Human Body System

Your Task Today

Complete the Mindmap on Human Body System on the A3 Paper provided.
This is due next Monday, 6 March.
Your Mindmap should include the following:
  • The 5 Body System - Digestive, Circulatory, Respiratory, Muscular & Skeletal.
  • The parts of each Body System.
  • The function of the parts in the Digestive System.
Remember the following to get started:
  • Use thicker branch that progresses to thinner branch. 
  • Write all words in capital letters.
  • Use a variety of colours.
  • Use drawings when necessary to illustrate the meaning of the words. 
  • Use 1 word or a short phrase. Avoid a sentence or paragraph.
Recap on basic rules of mind mapping.
Here's a quick summary.

Here's an example of a Mindmap on Plants Diversity.

Some Good Mindmaps on Plant System

Tuesday 21 February 2017

[22/2] Science Homework & Some Important Matters

Science Workbook
  • Complete any outstanding corrections.
  • Do pg 16-17 & pg 27-31
Science Topical Review
  • A note has been given out to pupils to staple in their handbook. 
  • The Topical Review will be in Week 10, Monday, 6 March.
  • Topics covered: Plant and Body System

Science File
  • Science File has been returned for revision today.
  • I'll return the Topical Worksheet (Body System) next Monday after going through the corrections.
  • Keep the file at home. I inform the pupils when to bring back again.
  • The following highlighted items were filed into the Science File today.
(A)       Topical Worksheets
Plant System WS 1
Human Body System WS 1 (to be returned next Monday)

(B)         Workout Book
Your Amazing Body as a system- Chapter 1
Plants and their parts-Chapter 2

(D)         Others
Plant System Mind Map
Human Body System Mind Map (To be given next Monday as homework)

Tuesday 14 February 2017

[15/2] Science Book Reading Log & Today's Homework

Science Extensive Reading Programme
  • consolidated list of call numbers at NLB Branch Libraries has been given to you today.
  • These are books related to Primary 4 Science Themes and Topics.
  • Show this to your parents and get parent's signature.
  • Bring this list to NLB to borrow Science Book each term based on the topics that we are covering in class.
  • Make notes on New Information (What you've learnt) in your Science Journal after reading the Science Books.
  • Record the list of Science Books you have read in the "Science Book Reading Log" Worksheet given to you today.
  • For a start, the first book you record should be the Human Body System Science Book that you have borrowed from the library 2 weeks ago.

Today's Homework
  • Complete Science Topical Worksheet - Human Body System
  • This is due on Monday, 20 Feb.

Sunday 12 February 2017

[13/2] Science Workout Book Homework

Complete Chapter 1 - Your amazing body as a system

  • pg 63-71
  • This is due Wednesday, 15 Feb

Friday 10 February 2017

Well done Girls for making your Plant Models

Observe the uniqueness of each plant models.
Observe how the roots, stem and leaves are made differently in each model.

Tuesday 7 February 2017

[8/2] Science McOnline Assignment

McOnline Science Lesson Package

  • Login to McOnline
  • Go to New Assignment
  • Complete the Lesson Package "P4 (T1W6) Science Supplementary"
Science Journal
  • Try eating 2 different food. (e.g. potato, banana, apple)
  • Record your observation of the food BEFORE & AFTER Chewing for 1 minute.
  • You may include drawings in your Science Journal to illustrate how the food looks like.
  • This is due next Monday, 13 Feb.

Sunday 5 February 2017

[6/1] Science Workbook Homework

Science Workbook
  • Complete pg 2-6.
  • This is due on Wednesday, 8 Feb.
  • Use the Science story book that you've borrowed from the library to do pg 2-3. 
Things to bring on Wednesday
  • Markers
  • Colouring pens
We will be doing a group work on the digestive system on a big majong paper.

Tuesday 31 January 2017

[1/2] Science Books on Body System & Homework

We have gone through the answers to your Work-Out! Book "Chapter 2 - Plants and their Parts" today.

Your task today
  • Complete Topical Worksheet 1-Plant System
  • This is due next Monday, 6 Feb.

Reading Science Books on Body System
  • I've shared 2 books on Human Body with you today.
Image result for magic school bus inside the human body
  • We have also read one of the book, "The Magic School Bus - Inside the Human Body". 
  • You would have noted down "New Information" (New facts you've learnt) in your Science Journal.

Your task to borrow a Science Book
  • You are encouraged to visit the National Library to borrow a Science Book about Human Body. 
  • It can also be a book on Digestive System as we will be covering this system in details next week.
  • Bring along your Science Book next week for Science Lesson.