Tuesday 31 January 2017

[1/2] Science Books on Body System & Homework

We have gone through the answers to your Work-Out! Book "Chapter 2 - Plants and their Parts" today.

Your task today
  • Complete Topical Worksheet 1-Plant System
  • This is due next Monday, 6 Feb.

Reading Science Books on Body System
  • I've shared 2 books on Human Body with you today.
Image result for magic school bus inside the human body
  • We have also read one of the book, "The Magic School Bus - Inside the Human Body". 
  • You would have noted down "New Information" (New facts you've learnt) in your Science Journal.

Your task to borrow a Science Book
  • You are encouraged to visit the National Library to borrow a Science Book about Human Body. 
  • It can also be a book on Digestive System as we will be covering this system in details next week.
  • Bring along your Science Book next week for Science Lesson.

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