Tuesday, 31 January 2017

[1/2] Science Books on Body System & Homework

We have gone through the answers to your Work-Out! Book "Chapter 2 - Plants and their Parts" today.

Your task today
  • Complete Topical Worksheet 1-Plant System
  • This is due next Monday, 6 Feb.

Reading Science Books on Body System
  • I've shared 2 books on Human Body with you today.
Image result for magic school bus inside the human body
  • We have also read one of the book, "The Magic School Bus - Inside the Human Body". 
  • You would have noted down "New Information" (New facts you've learnt) in your Science Journal.

Your task to borrow a Science Book
  • You are encouraged to visit the National Library to borrow a Science Book about Human Body. 
  • It can also be a book on Digestive System as we will be covering this system in details next week.
  • Bring along your Science Book next week for Science Lesson.

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

[25/1] Create a Mindmap on Plant System

You have learnt the basic rules of mind mapping.
Here's a quick summary.

Your task today
Complete the Plant System Mindmap which you've started in class. 
You should be using an blank paper the size of your drawing block. You may use the drawing block paper. 

Your Mindmap should include the following:
  • Main Parts of a Plant. 
  • Describing more on each part of a Plant. How each part can be different in different plants. (e.g. Strong vs weak stem)
  • Functions of each part of a plant.

Remember the following to get started:
  • Use thicker branch that progresses to thinner branch. 
  • Write all words in capital letters.
  • Use a variety of colours.
  • Use drawings when necessary to illustrate the meaning of the words. 
  • Use 1 word or a short phrase. Avoid a sentence or paragraph.
Here's an example of a Mindmap on Plants Diversity.

Sunday, 22 January 2017

[23/1] Recap on Today's learning + Homework

Homework: Science Work-Out Book
Tear out pg 73-80

Complete pg 73-78

Recap: Workbook Activity 2.3 Plant Discovery
We have discussed all the functions of leaves, stem and roots in class today.
We have also discussed the reason why leaves, stem and roots have specific functions.

Here are two videos to help your learning. Have fun watching and learning.

This Wednesday, we will be consolidating your learning into a mindmap.

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

[18/1] Today's learning & Homework: Making your Plant Model

We have covered the different types of roots, stems and leaves in class today.
You have also completed Workbook pg 20-21.

Quick recap on Science Drawing (For the drawing on plant on pg 20)

  • Use pencil only for drawings and labeling.
  • Label parts with a neat straight line touching the parts that you are labeling.
  • Do not use arrows to label.
  • Do not shade or colour your drawings.

Your task today
You can start gathering your materials to make the Plant Model.
Refer to your design on pg 1 of your Science Journal.
Think carefully why you have chosen the materials to make the roots, stem and leaves of the plant.
You have 2 weeks to complete the model.
You are to bring your model to class after CNY long weekend. (1 Feb, Wednesday)

Sunday, 15 January 2017

[16/1] Video on Plant Transport System

We have discussed the celery stem today & you've learnt the main function of stem, which is to transport water from the roots to the leaves.

Here's a video to summarise what we have covered in class today.
Feel free to add comment below to contribute your ideas/thought about the Celery Experiment.
(Post comment under "Anonymous" and write your name at the end after you've typed out your comments)

Your task today

  • Read up more about roots and leaves & their functions for discussion in class on Wednesday.

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

[11/1] Science Journal - Observe a Plant

I have shown you a picture of a plant in class for discussion.

Image result for picture of plant

You have also completed System Workbook Activity 2.1 (pg 18-19) in class today. I have taught you to use the Scaffold "I see" to describe what you observed in the picture of the plant.
E.g. I see the leaves have jagged-edges.

Your task today is to Observe any other unique plant in your neighbourhood and write down what you "See" and observe. You may also use some of the 5 senses to help you in your description of the plant.

This task is due next Monday, 16 Jan.

[9/1] Science Journal - Design your own Plant Model

You have received your Science Journal from me. We will be using the Science Journal for notes, concept maps, key concepts, observations, drawings and other skills learnt in Science.

Do number the page yourself and include a title for each activity in the Content Page.

You may take time to decorate the cover page of the Science Journal. Wrapping papers are allowed.  This is your own Science Journal which will help in your learning. Feel free to beautify it and do your best to record your Science Learning in the Journal. I hope it will be a useful book for revision before your exams.

For a start, your first task is to Plan & Design your own Plant Model on the first Blank page. Draw out how your model looks like and write down what materials you have chosen to use for each parts in the model. Here are some Plant Model to start you brainstorming. You do not need to make the model yet, design first and we will discuss more in class.

Welcome to P4 Science!

Dear Pupils,
We have started on Plant System. This will be completed by end of Week 4. We will then continue with Body System till end of Term 1.
Ensure that you have your System Textbook every week during Science Lessons.

Term 2: Interactions
Term 3: Heat Energy
Term 4: Light Energy

I can be contactable by email at jocelyn.kohpeili@gmail.com.com which is also linked to Blogger when you post a comment in the Blog.

Thank you.