Wednesday 11 January 2017

[9/1] Science Journal - Design your own Plant Model

You have received your Science Journal from me. We will be using the Science Journal for notes, concept maps, key concepts, observations, drawings and other skills learnt in Science.

Do number the page yourself and include a title for each activity in the Content Page.

You may take time to decorate the cover page of the Science Journal. Wrapping papers are allowed.  This is your own Science Journal which will help in your learning. Feel free to beautify it and do your best to record your Science Learning in the Journal. I hope it will be a useful book for revision before your exams.

For a start, your first task is to Plan & Design your own Plant Model on the first Blank page. Draw out how your model looks like and write down what materials you have chosen to use for each parts in the model. Here are some Plant Model to start you brainstorming. You do not need to make the model yet, design first and we will discuss more in class.

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