Tuesday, 24 January 2017

[25/1] Create a Mindmap on Plant System

You have learnt the basic rules of mind mapping.
Here's a quick summary.

Your task today
Complete the Plant System Mindmap which you've started in class. 
You should be using an blank paper the size of your drawing block. You may use the drawing block paper. 

Your Mindmap should include the following:
  • Main Parts of a Plant. 
  • Describing more on each part of a Plant. How each part can be different in different plants. (e.g. Strong vs weak stem)
  • Functions of each part of a plant.

Remember the following to get started:
  • Use thicker branch that progresses to thinner branch. 
  • Write all words in capital letters.
  • Use a variety of colours.
  • Use drawings when necessary to illustrate the meaning of the words. 
  • Use 1 word or a short phrase. Avoid a sentence or paragraph.
Here's an example of a Mindmap on Plants Diversity.

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