Tuesday 17 January 2017

[18/1] Today's learning & Homework: Making your Plant Model

We have covered the different types of roots, stems and leaves in class today.
You have also completed Workbook pg 20-21.

Quick recap on Science Drawing (For the drawing on plant on pg 20)

  • Use pencil only for drawings and labeling.
  • Label parts with a neat straight line touching the parts that you are labeling.
  • Do not use arrows to label.
  • Do not shade or colour your drawings.

Your task today
You can start gathering your materials to make the Plant Model.
Refer to your design on pg 1 of your Science Journal.
Think carefully why you have chosen the materials to make the roots, stem and leaves of the plant.
You have 2 weeks to complete the model.
You are to bring your model to class after CNY long weekend. (1 Feb, Wednesday)

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